week for their LA issue. Wednesday was the first day to arrive and I headed with Aimee and met up with Evan Cohen for the
art opening hosted by Mena Suvari, it was all very cute, BUT hot and muggy. Ran into Naima from Reserve which was a great catch up, and several other coootays. Later ran my butt up to the Colette dance perty... blahh
It was a delight to see Mickey Boardman as well...
whose basically known me since I was 15.

It was a bit of a slow party, so eh.
Friday I forgot what I did, but decided that I wanted a change.
Saturday was NUTS.
Paper had their 24 Hour store which was again, hot and sticky
Met up with Rudj Escobar from Uber...

someone's gotta love the creatures...
Also ran into Rose Apodaca

Sunday: photoshoot with Paper Magazine/ Levi's (thanks for the free jeans Joe) and had this amazing dinner
with Cohen in Chinatown. Then caught up with Raicich and Barazza, its delightful to be back.
more to come, more parts, more updates, crazy week ahead
I died my hair dark purple, crisis mode.