MENG: What happened.
REYNA Jr: it was the most weirdest but most amazing dream ever
REYAN Jr: we were in this 70's house, getting ready for some party
REYNA Jr: we were in LA
MENG: What happened
MENG: Hahaha
MENG: How random
REYNA Jr: then suddenly people in the house were going crazy, and we laid on this big couch
MENG: Hahahahahha
REYNA Jr: like things were breaking
REYNA Jr: the house was shaking
MENG: Hahahahaha
REYNA Jr: everything was just going slow motion
REYNA Jr: we were holding each other. then our bodies both shocked and we just went deaf and i woke up shaking
MENG: Man I love you
MENG: Haaha
MENG: Your wild dreams.
REYNA Jr: so crazy